Funded on Kicksarter!


Funded on Kicksarter! 〰️

Coming in July

Dice has always been a passion of ours- we played Dungeons & Dragons on our first date. My little halfling gave her tall elf a whistle he had carved himself out of wood. Since then, I’ve managed to find her a present for every holiday that would make her smile, but then the Covid-19 lockdowns happened. As times got harder, I started to worry I wouldn’t be able to make her smile, come Valentine’s Day. She never really put any importance on gifts, but still. I racked my brain until I remembered how much she smiled at her first set of dice all those years ago on our first date. These dice are all her own designs, but she struggled with a choice for a logo and a name. Now, the ouroboros is a symbol of dreams and infinity. The mystical serpent who is destined to eat his own tail for all of time. Our logo is my own concept- the broken boro. A creature free to follow its heart and to chase its own dream.


The Idea

I had a vision in my head for our first sets very quickly. I’d collected dice for so long, and when Mario gave me the chance to design them it felt like a dream come true, so that was the theme we stuck by. The Original Dream Line was meant to feel simple, innocent, and dream like in design because that’s what it was, our dream. I was inspired by pastels, impossibly fluffy clouds that drift lazily across the sky, and twinkling early evening stars. When our dice arrived, they our my breath away. He gave me the chance to share these dice with all of you lovely people, and I am so grateful for that every day. I feel so blessed to have Mario in my life supporting and encouraging me through every step, and all of you supporting us and our little company.


The Design